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Daily Archive for September 15 2013

Jonathan and David

Jonathan and David    8/18/13     I Samuel passages


   I Samuel 13:1-3, 14:1-6/ 13-16   Jonathan a warrior, and a man of faith in God

         14:45   Jonathan loved by the people

              18:1-4   David had just defeated Goliath. I think David had been inspired by the

                             acts and attitude of Jonathan we saw in Chapter 14.

                                  The Hebrew means their hearts were “chained together’ in the

                                      most incredible friendship ever recorded. (ck.Genesis 44:30)


Real friends encourage each other to do good, and honor God ( not gossip, criticize, talk about “stuff” all the time.)  Some relationships are build only on the fact that those involved had similar life situations, parallels, at the time of building the relationship. But David and Jonathan had a relationship based on their love for the Lord, so it grew over time, and was not stuck in the past, or depended on “external” situations and “external” similarities to keep them friends.


Example: Remember the old High School annual and how your “friends” said they

                   would stay in contact and be friends forever? Their intent was good, but you

                      see why it could not last. Some ever get upset with people if they change

                          and grow. As believers we should expect our Christian

                            friends to change for the better, and encourage them in it.

                              Philippians 4:8   Hebrews 10: 23-25


I Samuel 19: 1-7   Jonathan later stood with his father in death, but here we see him

                                 confronting his father because truth must be held and honored!

I Samuel 20: 1-6   Saul lied; he continues to want David’s death.

                                Jonathan keeps David safe

I Samuel 20: 41-42   No father-of-the-year –award for  Saul !

I Samuel 20:41-42   Great friends! Everybody wants this, but few pay the price to have it. You have to talk about deeper things, and you have to not hide weaknesses to have this level of friendship. Gossips do not have deep friendships. Guess who that gossip “friend” is talking about when you are not around? If you can keep a trust, and be vulnerable to that trustworthy person, and stop pretending you have it all together, then this is yours!


   Example:  In talking to men at our men’s retreats,  it becomes clear that men may have had a good friend or two in high school ,but now they focus on their family alone. That is wonderful and is a priority. However, there are available to them other trustworthy men, wanting to have brotherhood, or friendships, that run deeper than what they have now.

   Only fellowship around the Lord can satisfy the soul. And fellowship with the Lord in isolation is not God’s full plan. We are the body of Christ; spiritually organic in connection to the Lord Himself. Men need other men to feed their hearts. Women need other godly women to feed their hearts. God designed it that way!


I Samuel 23:15-18   Last time they talk to each other before Jonathan is killed.

      “He went to David at Horesh, and encouraged him in God.”









Jim Petty in Post on September 15 2013 » 0 comments