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Daily Archive for January 10 2016



Cleaning:  Week  Jan. 10—Perrys.

Nursery: Jan. 17—Nancy.

Sharp, Pointy Things (Men’s Group): Tuesday 6:30pm at TBC. TOPIC: Gray Man vs. Peacock: How Much Do You Stand Out?

Women’s Study Group: Tuesday 6:30pm at the Petty Home.  Book:  This Girl Still Got It. (Chapter 1 and discussion questions). Contact Nancy if child care is needed.

Youth Group: Wednesday 3:30pm at TBC. Youth Snack Schedule: Jan.—Ponders. Contact Jimmy for info.

Hooks, Sticks, and Needles (Women’s Crafting Group): Wednesday 5:30pm.  Valentine Mug Rugs, Quilts, Crochet, Knitting

Follow us on Facebook or at teaguebiblechurch.org.

Jason Kerr in Post on January 10 2016 » 0 comments

SHARP, POINTY THINGS (Men’s Group): Gray Man vs. Peacock: How Much Do You Stand Out?

SHARP, POINTY THINGS (Men’s Group): Gray Man vs. Peacock: How Much Do You Stand Out?

One of my Facebook friends posted this article about becoming a “Gray Man”….a person who blends so well into their surroundings that they don’t stand out at all. While the concept is useful for self-defense (the focus of the article), it caused me to think about how people tend to become “Gray Men” when it comes to faith in God. It also got me to think of how the other extreme is possible....people who show off their faith in over-the-top ways that can’t be ignored (hence, the Peacock label). On Tuesday night, we’re going to discuss this. How do you integrate your faith into your daily life? Are you a Gray Man, a Peacock, or something in between? And what does God have to say about these things?

Join us Tuesday night, 6:30pm, at Teague Bible Church to discuss and learn.

In Plain Sight: The Gray Man

Jason Kerr in Post on January 10 2016 » 0 comments