Podcast – Sermon 12/15/2013
NOTE: Some audio problems with the original recording
Rich Man/ Poor Man- Appearances have blinded me-A Christmas Message?
James 2: 1-9 12/15/13
“Daily” abiding in Christ is the key to living the full and abundant life that Jesus spoke about in John chapter 10 and 15. No one big experience with God; no miracle you have seen, no amount of past theological education, can substitute for a daily walk.
However, we continue to believe the lie that if our time in history were different, or our current circumstances different, we would somehow be better Christians.
Some say,“ If I had lived during the 1st century, right there in the pocket of Jesus’ miracles, and the Apostles miracles, when it was all fresh, I would certainly be a better Christian than I am in this modern society. Those people were not facing the same problems that we face!”
The truth is they faced exactly the same problems that we face, and many had not only seen miracles, but in the case of Peter and the apostles, had actually performed them!
And our text today will show that Christians, in that day, were very susceptible to falling into the sin, (that is easy to avoid) of judging people’s worth by appearances.
Particularly the appearance of success shown by how much money one has.
Example (Of going by appearance) Even after Pentecost, with the coming of the Holy Spirit to help them understand, from the inside out, (instead of by appearances I Cor. 2) we see Peter having a difficult time in obeying the changes that have taken place ( Acts 10 and 11.)
Example: Galatians 2: 11-21 Peter and Barnabus go backwards and, for a moment , because of appearances, denied a vital truth of the Gospel!
Example: Paul and the apostle’s terrible treatment not only by unbelievers, but believers as well. All because of appearance! They were the “real deal” but looked unimpressive. II Corinthians – chapter 4/6/11
READ II Cor. 5:12
READ II Cor. 5: 16
TEXT: The Appearances of Money James 2: 1-9
“Giving value to a man by what he has, over what he is”
A poor, unbelieving man entering this kind of church would hardly believe the Gospel message, once he see the seating arrangement!
Example: I get my brother to go to church with me.
What did he see? Answer: A dog and pony show
Example: Traveling Evangelist/Preacher with the 2000.00 suit, right here in
Teague. “What did you think about the message?” I said.
He said, “I stopped listening after I saw the suit he
was wearing!”
The Christian poor; if free from envy, enjoys a great position if he wants to please God.
(Side point) QUESTION: Having trouble with envy? READ Psalms 37: 1-26
James 2: 5 “Rich in faith”
The language does not mean “quantity” of faith that compensates for the financial lack, but rather that they have this complete faith as a possession by being born again. It can be, potentially, easier for these folks to see their need.
Just being poor does not make you spiritual. Like everybody else they can be prideful and sinful and not seek God.
We must remember what Jesus spoke about being
“poor in spirit” in Matthew 5:3
The financially poor cannot put on a show. It becomes evident to all that they have little of the means of this world.
Those who know they don’t have the riches of the world can be quicker to see their spiritual poverty as well. (Contrast Revelation 2:9 with Revelation 3: 17)
READ Jeremiah 9: 23-24a
QUESTION: Do you feel rich or do you feel you are barely making it along?
READ Ephesians 1: 3-8a “The treasure chest verse”
I can just hear someone say, “Well yea, but that won’t get you a job!”
READ Matthew 6: 33 “Seek first the kingdom, and its righteousness, and all
these things (material things you need; really most of the times
we are talkingabout wants anyway) will be added unto you.”
What is the first thing that you think about when your feet hit the floor in the morning?
READ Matthew 6:32 “Your heavenly Father KNOWS that you need
all these (material) things.”
The key? Put first things first!
Put 1st things 1st and you get 2nd things thrown in for free
(I Kings 3: 5-15.) You put 2nd things 1st and you lose both 1st and 2nd
things. You certainly will lose any happiness coming from material things,
once you decide to forget about God in your daily activities.
Some say, “ I am really going to serve God one day, just as soon as I get this
current situation straightened out!”
If that is what you think, then it will never happen; because you will never feel like all situations are “straightened out.”
I believe these folks are as sincere as the day is long when they say such things but they are also blind to the truth. Appearances have caused them to think that the material things are more important than the spiritual. Material things are solid, they say, and maybe after many years, they might be satisfying, but that spiritual stuff is whispy and kinda optional. We would not say it that directly, but our lives show it.
Final: So how does this all relate to Christmas? How does this related to appearances?
What was the appearance of Jesus coming into this world? If you were going to make a big impact on this world and had the power to do anything, what would you do?
1. God chose humility ( Philippians 2) and entered as a baby in weakness.
That same weakness made it possible for men to kill Him. ( II Corinthians 13:4)
In the most obscure way, the Savior is born into poverty, in a cow stall.
2. He spoke in parables
3. He would do a miracle then do all He could not to advertise it,
at least at the first. WHY?
4. His own half-brothers want Him to make a big splash and get the PR game going, but Jesus refuse to do it their way. WHY?
This was the only way that people would come to Jesus for the right reason, with the right humble heart to receive His free gift of eternal life.
Rich man/ Poor man- Appearances are blinding me – A Christmas Message?
The real meaning of Christmas?
II Corinthians 8:9 “ For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your sake He became poor, so that you through His poverty might become rich.”
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