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Monthly Archive for September 2015

TBC Sermon for Sept. 27, 2015


Please join us in today’s word. And let us know what you think….either in our comment section or in person at our next service. Join us every Sunday at 9:45am for Sunday School and at 10:45am for Worship Service. We’d love to see you here!

Jason Kerr in Post on September 27 2015 » 0 comments

TBC Schedule

TBC Schedule

Nursery                                                                                             Cleaning


Sept 13                 Bev                                                                        Chambers

Sept 20                 Nancy                                                                   Rogers

Sept 27                 Brandy                                                                  Arnolds


Oct 4                      Linda P                                                                  Ponders

Oct 11                   Bev                                                                        Perrys

Oct 18                   Nancy                                                                   Kerrs

Oct 25                   Brandy                                                                  Bev


Nov 1                    Linda P                                                                  Chambers

Nov 8                    Bev                                                                        Rogers

Nov 15                  Nancy                                                                   Arnolds

Nov 22  `               Brandy                                                                  Perrys

Nov 29                  Linda P                                                                  Ponders


Dec 6                     Bev                                                                        Kerrs

Dec 13                   Nancy                                                                   Bev

Dec 20                   Brandy                                                                  Chambers

Dec 27                   Bev                                                                        Rogers


Jason Kerr in Post on September 27 2015 » 0 comments



Cleaning:  Week  Sept 27—Arnolds.

Nursery: Oct. 4—Need volunteer.

Sharp, Pointy Things (Men’s Group): Tuesday 6:30pm at the Petty Home. Topic: It’s Complicated.

Women’s Study Group: Tuesday 6:30pm at TBC. Chapter 3: It’s Good to Seek Wise Counsel. Contact Nancy if child care is needed.

Youth Group: Wednesday 3:30pm at TBC. Youth Snack Schedule: Sept.- Chambers.

Hooks, Sticks, and Needles (Women’s Crafting Group): Wednesdays 5:30-7:30pm at TBC.

Ministerial Alliance 5th Quarter for Youth:  Friday night, Oct 23, after home football game at the THS Cafeteria.  Joining with Kingdom Fellowship for this event. Volunteers needed. T-Shirts available online. Contact Jimmy for details.

Fall Fest Hayride:  Saturday, Oct. 31. Start at TBC and visit local church festivals. Movie and snacks afterward .

TBC Christmas Parade Float: TBA

Follow us on Facebook or at teaguebiblechurch.org.

Jason Kerr in Post on September 27 2015 » 0 comments

TBC Sermon for September 20, 2015


Please join us in today’s word. And let us know what you think….either in our comment section or in person at our next service. Join us every Sunday at 9:45am for Sunday School and at 10:45am for Worship Service. We’d love to see you here!

HEBREWS 7 26 through 8 13 9 20 15

Jason Kerr in Post on September 23 2015 » 0 comments

TBC Sermon for September 13, 2015


Please join us in today’s word. And let us know what you think….either in our comment section or in person at our next service. Join us every Sunday at 9:45am for Sunday School and at 10:45am for Worship Service. We’d love to see you here!

MELCHIZEDEK HEBREWS ch 7 date 9 13 15

Jason Kerr in Post on September 23 2015 » 0 comments



Cleaning:  Week  Sept 20—Rogers.

Nursery: Sept. 27—Brandy.

Sharp, Pointy Things (Men’s Group): Tuesday 6:30pm at the Petty Home. Topic: Leadership and character.

Women’s Study Group: Tuesday 6:30pm at TBC. Chapter 2: It’s Good to be Open. Contact Nancy if child care is needed.

Youth Group: Wednesday 3:30pm at TBC. Youth Snack Schedule: Sept.- Chambers.

Hooks, Sticks, and Needles (Women’s Crafting Group): Wednesdays 5:30-7:30pm at TBC.

Ministerial Alliance 5th Quarter for Youth:  Friday night, Oct 23, after home football game at the THS Cafeteria.  Joining with Kingdom Fellowship for this event. Volunteers needed. T-Shirts available online. Contact Jimmy for details.

Fall Fest Hayride:  Saturday, Oct. 31. Start at TBC and visit local church festivals. Movie and snacks afterward .

TBC Christmas Parade Float: TBA

Jason Kerr in Post on September 23 2015 » 0 comments

Women’s Study

When: Tonight 9/15/15
Where: At church
Time: 6:30 P.M.

Jim Petty in Post on September 15 2015 » 0 comments



Tuesday night, 6:30pm at the Petty Home.

This week’s topic: Standing Up For Your Faith

With current events bringing faith and law into conflict, where do we, as believers, stand? And how do we choose whether to obey the laws of man when they conflict with the commands of God? Join us Tuesday night as we discuss this timely issue.


Jason Kerr in Post on September 13 2015 » 0 comments



Cleaning:  Week  Sept 13—Ponders.
Nursery: Sept. 20—Nancy.
Sharp, Pointy Things (Men’s Group): Tuesday 6:30pm at the Petty Home.
Women’s Study Group: Tuesday, 09/08 6:30pm at TBC. Contact Nancy if child care is needed.
Youth Group: Wednesday, 09/02 3:30pm at TBC.
Hooks, Sticks, and Needles (Women’s Crafting Group): Wednesdays 5:30-7:30pm at TBC.
Ministerial Alliance 5th Quarter for Youth. Friday nights after home football games at the THS Cafeteria. Volunteers needed. Contact Jimmy for details.

Follow us on Facebook or at teaguebiblechurch.org.

Jason Kerr in Post on September 13 2015 » 0 comments

HEBREWS 6:9-20 An Anchor For The Soul

Teague Bible Church HEBREWS 6:13-20 September 6, 2015
An Anchor For The Soul
Read Text: Hebrews 6:9-20
Anchor History And Development:
“ A vessel’s anchor is widely regarded as the most important piece of safety equipment on board and for good reason. No other device has the ability to save both vessel and crew more frequently, yet more often than not boat builders fit inadequate anchors.”
Wow! True of sailing and life!
Anchors have been used since sailing started. It holds a ship steady in harbor but has other uses when in trouble at sea.
Sea anchors in deep waters, in heavy seas can stabilize a ship, keep it turned into the wind by dropping anchor a prescribed depth off the stern. To act as a shock absorber, and to soften side-to side motion. Several can be attached and lowered.
The largest anchors can weigh as must as 100,000 lbs. and links in the chain can weigh 440 lbs.
One of the first major symbols of Christianity was an anchor. The cross as a symbol can after 300 A.D. with Constantine’s reign.
Many epitaphs on Christian graves from the end of the 1st century had a symbol of an anchor on them. Archaeologists found 70 of these in one cemetery along with messages of hope.
Text: HEBREWS 6: 10-20
v. 10 Why is writer so convinced that these are real Christians in view of their set-backs and current immaturity?
“HAVE shown” 1st aorist and “STILL ministering” present tense
“ENDURANCE” is the sign of true belief
Ex. Vin Diesel – ( Mark Sinclair- 48 years old) “ How did you get started?”
I just hung on year after year, while my friends left Hollywood and went home.” Finally I got a small part, and the rest is my history.”

v.11 He hopes EACH one of them “experiences” the confidence that endurance brings,
so they will not be so “tossed about” by every situation,
and by every storm that comes along.
Ex. Ephesians 4: 13-15
“until we all obtain to the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a mature man, to the measure of the stature which belongs to the fullness of Christ. As a result, we are no longer to be children, tossed here and there by waves, and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, by craftiness in deceitful scheming; but speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in all aspects into Him, who is the head , that is Christ
v. 11 SUMMARY: To live in the “experience” of daily assurance of hope is the key.
To be experiencing a vital, daily walk with the Lord. To sense increasing growth.
Many times that happens in your most discouraging moments! A break and surrender
takes place and then the calm seas! That deep Hope slides in quite gently and you say,
“ It is well with me.”
V 12.

v. 13-18 Explain as you go
If a time delay, then added assurance is helpful, if you believe the person speaking to you.
“PROMISE” and an “OATH”
Abraham had to wait,,,,,, You will have to wait at times, till you want God just for Himself, even if He never gives you what you wanted. Usually, about that time, I get what I prayed for; when I arrive at the place I can take or leave the thing I prayed about.

So if God wants to give you good things why not just give it when ask for?
Ex. Bail out kid with credit card debt. What happens?
God will not be reduced to be the big vending machine in the sky. He created you for a fellowship and adventure with Himself.
Ephesians 3: 20 – “Now to Him who is able to do more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think,,,”
Abraham grew in faith as he waited on God and realized deeper things unrelated to a physical people and a physical land.
How else do you explain :
v. 15 “ He obtained the promise” Hebrews 11: 13 “ all these died in faith without receiving the promises,,,”
READ Hebrews 11: 8-10, 13-16 Explain
Temporal promises and permanent promises
Abraham wanted what could not be had in this world, but only through communion with God.
Galatians 3 and Romans 4: 12-24 explains how it all works together! The ultimate promise of God fulfilled.
v. 19-20 An anchor is the tie between two very different worlds. The anchor does its job unseen!
The earthly high priest would do his intercession unseen behind the veil of the Holy of Holies!
But Christ as High Priest enters and presents Himself as the sacrifice for us then beckons us to join Him in the place closest to God!
Ex. Revelation chapter 21 and 22
FINAL: Explain line of song “ON CHRIST THE SOLID ROCK I STAND” (based on our text)

Jim Petty in Post on September 09 2015 » 0 comments

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