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Monthly Archive for January 2019

TBC Sermon for January 13, 2019

Please join us in today’s word. And let us know what you think….either in our comment section or in person at our next service. Join us every Sunday at our new worship times–9:30am for Sunday School and at 10:45am for Worship Service. We’d love to see you here!

Jason Kerr in Post on January 19 2019 » 0 comments

TBC Sermon for December 16, 2018

Please join us in today’s word. And let us know what you think….either in our comment section or in person at our next service. Join us every Sunday at our new worship times–9:30am for Sunday School and at 10:45am for Worship Service. We’d love to see you here!

Jason Kerr in Post on January 19 2019 » 0 comments

TBC Sermon for December 9, 2018

Please join us in today’s word. And let us know what you think….either in our comment section or in person at our next service. Join us every Sunday at our new worship times–9:30am for Sunday School and at 10:45am for Worship Service. We’d love to see you here!

Jason Kerr in Post on January 19 2019 » 0 comments


MARRIAGE – E-6011 and E-6013

” Guys you need to know that wherever you make a good weld with a 6011 or 6013 stick rod , if done correctly, will never, ever break at that joint because the metal of the rod is better than the material you are sticking together.”

That piece of advice really “stuck” with me years later as a marriage counselor. I though of how a marriage surrendered to honor Jesus, will never break at those points Jesus healed, within that marriage.

Marriage is the crucible of learning to live unselfishly. It brings a glory to God that is undeniably clear and powerful, as we learn Christlikeness through our marriage.

But before that happens; we have said things to our spouse in anger we wish we had never said.

We have done things that we wish we had never done.

We may feel like it is not worth trying anymore because of the things that got broken along the way.
Well, you need to learn a bit about welding with 6011 or 6013 welding rods. The goal is to deliver the project whole and functional. At the end of the ordeal it may not look that pretty, but it is complete and solid and dependable.

You can’t go back and start over, but you can’t go forward without the healing work that only Jesus can do for your marriage.

When He puts a broken piece back together it is better than the original strength of the raw material!

You have to hear this song by Casting Crowns called ,”Broken Together.” We will not be totally healed in ourselves, or in our marriage, this side of glory, but we can certainly get close.

Ask Jesus to heal your marriage. If your spouse is not a believer look at I Cor. 7: 12-16. That really works! Also I Peter 3: 1-8. That really works!

Now a few lines of that song. The song is about getting over the allusions of marriage to surrendering your marriage to Jesus and keeping it real and wonderful by allowing Him to heal it when it gets broken along the way.

Every place you allow Him to work in your life will be better than anything you could have done on your own!


“What do you think about when you look at me. I know were not the fairytale you dreamed we be. You wore the vail, you walked the aisle, you took my hand, and we dove into a mystery.
How I wish we could go back to simpler times, before all our scars, and all our secrets were in the light, on this hallowed ground we drawn the battle lines,,, will we make it through the night?
It’s going to take much more, than promises this time, only God can change our minds.
Maybe you and I were never meant to be complete, could we just be broken together?
If you can bring your shattered dreams and I’ll bring mine, could healing still be spoken, and save us? The only way to last forever; is broken together.” JWP


Jim Petty in Post on January 11 2019 » 0 comments


No Loss- The Life Of A Real Christian

Sometimes even the hardest lessons given to men are not heeded.

Napoleon was exiled on the Isle of St. Helena for 5 years and died there. St. Helena is one of the most remote islands in the world. It lies 1000 miles SW of Africa. He only lived 52 years. He was the first “Emperor” of France in 1804. Even though Louis XIV rules for 72 years as a king, it was Napoleon who was considered the bright,shooting star of Europe. In that exile he wrote this to one of his generals.

” Now that I am at St. Helena, now that I am fastened down alone upon this rock, who fights my battles and conquers empires for me? Do men think of me? Who exerts himself for me in Europe? Who has remained faithful to my name?,,, Such is the fate of great men! Such is the fate of Caesar and Alexander; and then we are forgotten. How many and various judgments are passed on the great Louis XIV. Scarcely was he dead when the great king himself was left alone in the solitude of his bedroom in Versailles… He is no longer their master, but a corpse, the tenant of a coffin and a grave. Such is the approaching fate of the great Napoleon! What an abyss is there between the depth of my misery and the eternal reign of Christ who is preached, praised, loved, adored, and living throughout the universe! Can that be called death? Is it not rather life?”

Napoleon died in despair. The believer dies in hope. Romans 5 is a great passage to see that all we may suffer has a point to it. A plan to take away what does not fulfill us, in exchange for what can never be taken away. In one degree or another we are all narcissist in our old life, before knowing Jesus. That old life can come back to attack us anytime we get our focus away from Christ.

What God has set out to do in the life of every believer is to help us live a life with no permanent loss. When you realize you have a, “No-Lose” situation you can face life with assurance and daily hope. In Romans 5 Paul stated the benefits of that, “No-Lose” life. But he adds something that he thinks is even more glorious. He says we, “Exult” in our tribulations. He says this brings a hope that is not only future, but a hope that is daily as the old nature is burned out of us by trial.

Well, who likes that? Nobody, at first.

Then you see it working and you will rejoice as you find yourself ceasing to be afraid of each actual or possibly- future scenario. As you began to be at peace with the fact that people do not think you are the center of the universe. To begin to realize all your posturing and posing was for nothing. To feel satisfaction and joy in your walk with the Lord not really caring anymore if things here even get to your liking. You realize that something in you has to die before eternal life can affect you daily temporally life. You find time with Jesus and with other believers becomes the most important thing to you.

Will you ever be happy here on earth? Yes, you can be. It will not be because of a great set of circumstances. “Happy” is standing right in front of you; His name is Jesus. You spend time with Him, top priority time, not left-over time, and you will be transformed! You will be happy.

Don’t say, ” Oh, I know that,” but rather say, ” I am experiencing that, I am living that! ” Your new year will have gains and losses. Your eternal life in Christ, which is already working in you, gives you, “No-Loss,” and certainly no Napoleonic despair.

Romans 5: 1-9 / John 17: 3 / Ephesians 3: 20 /
Philippians 3: 7-14/

Jim Petty in Post on January 05 2019 » 0 comments