Monthly Archive for September 2015
Supplemental Reading for Hebrews Ch. 1-6
Please enjoy these supplemental notes and illustrations provided by Pastor Jimmy Petty. And, as always, please join us every Sunday at 10:45am for our worship service.
TBC Sermon for August 30, 2015
Please join us in today’s word. And let us know what you think….either in our comment section or in person at our next service. Join us every Sunday at 9:45am for Sunday School and at 10:45am for Worship Service. We’d love to see you here!
Pleasant Hill Quilting Group
Saturday, Sept. 12 at 11:30am. Contact Nancy to RSVP if you’re attending with the Hooks, Sticks, & Needles Group.
Cleaning: Week August 30—Arnolds.
Nursery: Sept. 6—Linda P.
Youth Group starts Wednesday, 09/02 3:30pm at TBC. Youth Snack Schedule: Sept.- Chambers, Oct.- Arnolds, Nov.- Rogers/Cordovas.
Hooks, Sticks, and Needles (Women’s Crafting Group): Wednesdays 5:30-7:30pm at TBC.
Sharp, Pointy Things (Men’s Group): Tuesday, 09/08 6:30pm at the Petty Home.
Women’s Study Group: Tuesday, 09/08 6:30pm at TBC. Contact Nancy if child care is needed.
Pleasant Hill Quilting Group at FUMC, Teague. Saturday, Sept. 12 11:30am. Contact Nancy to RSVP by Sept. 8.
Ministerial Alliance 5th Quarter for Youth. Friday nights after home football games at the THS Cafeteria. Volunteers needed. Contact Jimmy for detals.
Lord’s Storehouse in Teague: Need volunteers on Tuesdays to unload supplies. Contact Storehouse for details.
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