Daily Archive for July 30 2016
Boat Motor Acts 13:1-4
Back when the kids were about 10, 12, and 14 years old, respectively, and we were fairly new to Teague, we owned a 12′ metal boat. It was barely sea-worthy. Many days the boys would fish the Teague City Lake with this questionable dinghy. Well, after a contracting job was done in Fairfield, the customer wanted to give us a motor for the boat. The motor had not ran in 7 years. He said it never ran right for him, and he “assumed” it was a fault in the way it was made. This is the kind of motor you attach to the back of the boat and guide along with a tiller.
Most of these types are 6 horsepower of less, but not this one. It was twin cylinder and 12 horsepower! Way too much for our feeble craft. We got it running , but it seemed weak in its performance. We assumed it was just the way it was made, but really it was having trouble getting air through the carburetor. So we puttered around the lake one day with 2 of my kids on board, me at the back trying to tune it up as we motored along.
With one slight turn of the needle valve the thing took off like a rocket! All three of us are now stacked in the back of the boat next to the motor, gliding along at what seemed 100 miles per hour, at a 45% angle, making a zigzag pattern that would be the envy of any wasp. Wow, what a surprise!
After it was all over we talked about our assumptions. We assumed the motor had some problem that would never be remedied, but it was a simple adjustment that made it come to life. All that power was there, the whole time, for the asking, simply by lining up one little thing.
Was reading Acts 13:1-4 today and that was far as I got. I noticed something. There is no problem with God having the power to affect His own world. He has chosen to use us in this affecting and transformation of people. He could do it all without us, but then what is the point if He did it that way?
What I noticed was the “adjustment” these believers were making to “line-up” themselves with the power of God. It was while “they were ministering to the Lord and fasting” that the Holy Spirit said to set apart Barnabas and Paul for a great work. Verse 3 says they “prayed and fasted.”
I think secretly we think God lacks power to change much of anything. As if He has relegated Himself to just let things run their “natural course.” I thinks it is an “adjustment” problem residing in us. I have made bad “assumptions” of late. How about you? JWP