Pascal And The Peace Only Christ Gives
” Nothing is more intolerable to man than a state of complete repose, without desires, without work, without amusements, without occupation. In such a state he becomes aware of his nothingness, his abandonment, his inadequacy, his dependence, his emptiness, his futility. There at once wells up from the depths of his soul weariness, gloom, misery, exasperation, frustration, despair. Sport, pleasure, entertainment and society are so often pursued not because they bring pleasure, but because they take men’s minds off themselves.”
Those words were spoken by Blaise Pascal. They sound like the modern-day quest of lost men for sure. But these words were written about 1660. This really reflects the motives of lost people for doing what they do. This statement by Pascal is not about doing nothing with your life. This is about a real and current peace. No one can live in a continued state of mental and emotional agitation! It is ashamed that believers can sometimes fall into this state of misery Pascal describes.
” “Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace, good will toward men.” King James Version. It is not so much that the KJV got it wrong here as much as it misleads a bit. Literally, in Greek it reads, ” Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, among men with whom He is pleased.”
1. This peace is a “present tense” peace,not a future peace. Something you can have right now, even in this fallen world. It is your best outreach for Christ, because while they may listen to you tell them about Christ they are really thinking, “Do I want what they have in their life?” If you are hassled, stressed and hurried, just like the world, then why would they want what they already have?
2. This present reality offer of peace is only to certain people. Those who accept Christ’ offer of eternal life. There is no way God can smear over the top of unwilling people any of His peace. Only a changed heart can have peace.
The proof is in verses that say Jesus did not come to bring a peace that the world would accept. Luke 2: 25-35 and Matthew 10: 34-37 point this out. Come this Sunday and learn more about it, but mostly come and experience it after you learn. Your entire eternal destiny depends on it. You cannot manufacture your own brand of deep and abiding peace. You have been trying for years now, right? Peace is something you receive, you cannot work for it or earn it.
I would love to close with some “feel-good” generalized message of happiness to you during this holiday season. I cannot do that. If I tried you would rightly ignore it. I have something solid and significant to say Sunday. I did not manufacture it. It was given to me. It is the Word of God which makes a promise of current peace for you and for me.
” Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you: not as the world gives, do I give to you, let not your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful. John 14:27″ JWP
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